Through this, the records acquired can be used in many applications along with Airport Security System, Voting System, and Employee login System, in locating the thieves etc. Using the fingerprints we can get each and every element of any individual. Fingerprint based totally automated identity gadget based are gaining popularity due to unique nature of fingerprints. Most of the educational institutions and government agencies in growing countries still use paper based attendance method to monitor the attendance. Therefore, right attendance management systems must be in vicinity. In educational institutions also, attendance and academic success are directly associated. Pullaiah College of Engineering and Technology Abstract : Quorum (Attendance) is one of the work ethics which is valued by most employers. Pullaiah College of Engineering and Technology, 5 G. Pullaiah College of Engineering and Technology, 4 G. Pullaiah College of Engineering and Technology, 3 G. Pullaiah College of Engineering and Technology, 2 G.
Rachana 1 Assisstant Professor, 2 Student (B.Tech), 3 Student (B.Tech), 4 Student (B.Tech), 5 Student (B.Tech) 1 G. 1 Biometric based quorum implementation using LabVIEW and GSM 1 B.